Tuesday, January 31, 2012

COVERGIRL Taylor Swift

 Cover girl is all about beauty. It’s focus is make-up and selling as many products as they possibly can by using the most famous, well known celebrities out there. As you can see this ad is targeted to selling their new lip product- Lipperfection. They have used an American Icon and beautiful country star, Taylor Swift, to help flaunt their product. Companies such as Cover girl choose individuals such as Taylor Swift because it is targeting the age group that will most likely purchase this item, and when it comes to young girls buying make-up- who wouldn’t want to buy a product that is used by Taylor Swift? 

The dialog and language they use is perfect for you women. They throw in the word” love” because every girl chases hard after obtaining such emotion. They use colors such as reds and pinks because those colors symbolize and portray the word and meaning of “love”.  Being close to Valentine’s Day is a huge factor behind the color scheme and language as well. This is the time of year young girls/women are going to be out getting the best products that will have them looking their absolute best for their Valentine, so therefore why not look into the new “fab” Lipperfection?

This is a rather short Ad, which I believe has it working really well. There isn’t too much to look at or read. It is short, simple, and straight to the point- if Taylor has it, so should you. The Ad includes a little more than the country star and the trigger to female emotions, they use medical information to help add to the product. The new Lipperfection not only adds a dramatic and beautiful look, but it is also made with silk therapy moisturizers! This is something I know that catches many eye’s- that it is not only your fabulous long lasting lipstick- it is medicated to help keep your lips and smile young and healthy. 

This cosmetic Ad featuring Taylor Swift definitely withholds the famous person testimonial persuasive technique. They are using a celebrity icon to pull in many of the young girls and women interested in wearing make-up and having the latest top products. When young girls see celebrities such as Taylor Swift sporting such a lipstick, or even a specific brand like cover girl, they are going to want to follow in her same exact footsteps. There is a connection with the association principle in this ad- the girls that are looking for hot new products, especially around Valentine’s Day that will have them looking more stunning than ever. My guess would be this Ad is very successful. I see many girls heading to the store after reading through this Ad and simply glancing at the photo. Taylor Swift is a stunning individual that has many young girls dreaming about looking as gorgeous as she does in the Ad for the new Lipperfection. Her facial features, especially her lips in this Ad is quite exquisite, the red enhances and exaggerates her lips to the fullest. Even the name of the product is perfect itself, it is perfectly tied together with the perfection at the end.

This Ad is not new in the slightest way. The style is very common in cosmetic advertisement. You see this type of Ads in magazine’s all the time with the blown up picture of the model covering the large portion of the page, followed by a photo of the product. In addition is a small and sweet description of the product and with a catchy title. The target of this Ad/product appeals to young girls/women interested in make-up’s hottest and latest products. The women that are wanting to impress and loved one on the special day that lies on February, 14. 

The strengths in this Ad I believe are common factors in all advertisement but they work as desired. The first strength in this Ad is the obvious, Taylor Swift. She catches the eye, as someone most girls all love and adore, so that itself has us looking more closely to the Ad. The next factor I believe this magazine Ad withholds is the color scheme and the size of both the photo of Taylor and the product. This Ad came out right before Valentine’s Day, so therefore they chose the colors accordingly: the reds and pinks. It catches the theme of the upcoming holiday and really reels you in because this is the time to “pop” with some color. They even decided to nicely add the word “love” into the catchy headline. Also, the size of Taylor’s photo is equivalent to the photo of the product. I think the contrast of the two works- it adds a good balancing act, which is pleasing to the eye. The color of her lips in the Ad is matching to the color of the background for the product.  The Ad is memorable because Taylor is so stunning in the Ad, she is wearing bright, bright red lipstick which is not her typical look. She looks WAY fierce which has people talking. 

I have not purchased or experimented with lipperfection, although after seeing this Ad I would most certainly be willing to give it a try. Simply knowing about cover girl’s products and using them a few times before- I would most definitely think about heading down to the store after seeing this Ad. It has worked on me simply because they used a celebrity that I adore; it is near the Valentine’s Day time of year, I like the simplicity of the Ad- I feel it isn’t overdone or obnoxiously trying way too hard to sell the product.  

To Conclude, there has been many that say Taylor Swift looks disgustingly horrible in these Ads, but I don't think so. The very top photo may be a little too edited and photo shopped,  but we all know that Taylor is a beauty. In my opinion she pulls off this look quite well. I do however, plan to go to the store very soon to try this moisturized, long-lasting lipstick myself! Analyzing this Ad and further evaluating it, I learned that there is going to be so many people that like the Ad and so many that just wont. I discovered common factors and techniques in advertisements simply amongst cosmetic commercials and Ads. That they will use people, colors, objects, and many factors that are pleasing to the eye- simply whatever it will take to 1. catch your attention 2. Have you read further into the product and 3. whatever it will take to get the viewers down to the store to purchase the item.